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Who will win the first fictional match on Masters of Battle?

16 December 2011

Table of Contents.

Hello everyone, things have gotten a little hectic here on the blog with all of the different matches (not to mention the large gaps in update time... sorry about that!) so I'm going to attempt to correct that by having a table of contents here to serve as a directory to all of the different Warrior Bios, Conflicts, and any other posts I make.

So let's get started!

Blog Entires

-Warrior Bio:  Roman Legionnaires, circa 36 CE.  The reorganized soldiers of the Roman Empire were known as "Marius' Mules", and this is an apt description of them considering that the Empire was built on their backs and in their blood.  Though they were only one part of the indomitable Roman Legions, they were the means for its success, and when led by competent leaders could become an incredible fighting machine made of men, leather, and steel.

-Warrior Bio:  Zulu Impis, circa 1824 CE.  For thousands of years, South Africa was a peaceful region of farmers and hunters who settled their differences through low-risk, heavily ritualized combat.  That all changed in the Nineteenth Century when Shaka, the new, young King of the Zulu Nation, came to power and revolutionized the way that wars were fought.  His influence spread far and wide throughout the southern half of the continent, igniting a wildfire of violence that has continued even to this day.

~Warrior Conflict:  Roman Legionnaires versus Zulu Impis.  Two empire-builders cross blades in an epic struggle for dominance.  Roman sword-work, Zulu martial arts, thrown javelins, and supreme battlefield mobility result in a battle for the ages as these time-distanced opponents duel to the death.

-Warrior Bio:  Gallic Celts, circa 52 BCE.  Though commonly called "barbarians", the Celts of Gaul were a sophisticated culture of metallurgists, nature-worshipers, and, yes, warriors.  In the arts of combat, they excelled as slingers and talented spear-fighters.  Even though they were dominated by the Romans, the Gauls exemplified defiance to external rule and the values of independence.

-Warrior Bio:  Iroquois Confederacy, circa 1607 CE.  On the north-eastern coast of the Atlantic Ocean, a culture of people more unique than all their neighbors developed.  Their excellence was not any specific aspect, but that they were a composite of many different groups - a League, or Confederacy.  Many smaller tribes - the Seneca, Oneida, and Mohawk among them - allied together to create a powerful democracy that withstood centuries of European assault before being assimilated, and yet still maintains a spirit of independence to the modern day.

~Warrior Conflict:  Gallic Celts versus Iroquois Confederacy.  Two strong warrior-cultures who greatly influenced their surroundings strive against one another in this match.  Both of them were much more sophisticated than might be first believed, and loved peace just as much as war.  But combat was what they were best at, with thrown spears, tall shields, bows and arrows, war-clubs and ornate swords all making appearances...

-Warrior Bio:  Norse Jarl, circa 892 CE.  The Norsemen - Danes, Swedes, Finns - also known as the vikings, were sea-raiders who pillaged Europe from London to Constantinople and back again.  They were coordinated by their war-lords, the Jarls - noble men who had fought their way into positions of power over their fellow warriors.  Wealthy, they could afford the best equipment with which to ply their trade on sea and land, becoming some of the most experienced - and feared - fighters Europe had ever known.

-Warrior Bio:  Samurai Daimyo, circa 1600 CE.  The samurai were isolated, strictly-trained soldiers who lived by the noble code of bushido.  Though they often fought among themselves, their equipment was very similar throughout the islands of Japan, and no samurai was a better warrior than the powerful Daimyo.  High-born men, they could afford the best tutelage and equipment available, and were known as the greatest warriors - and politicians - of their age.

~Warrior Conflict:  Norse Jarl versus Samurai Daimyo.  Two noble elites square off as the chieftains of the North-lands invade the Land of the Rising Sun.  This battle rages from ship-to-ship warfare to a showdown in the marshes.  Spears, swords of the highest quality, axes, titanic war-clubs, and many different types of armor all get a chance in the spotlight as both warriors empty their arsenals in an attempt to outdo the other.

-Warrior Bio:  Roman Gladiators, circa 72 BCE.

-Warrior Bio:  Apache Warriors, circa 1800 CE.

~Warrior Conflict:  Roman Gladiators versus Apache Warriors.

-Warrior Bio:  Alareiks the Bold, Chief of the Visigoths, circa 410 CE.

-Warrior Bio:  Hannibal Barca, the Annihilator, circa 216 BCE.

~Warrior Conflict:  Alareiks the Bold versus Hannibal Barca.

-Warrior Bio:  George Washington and the Continental Army, circa 1778 CE.

-Warrior Bio:  Napoleon Bonaparte and the Grand Armee, circa 1808 CE.

~Warrior Conflict:  George Washington versus Napoleon Bonaparte, Narrative and By The Numbers.

-Warrior-Culture Rankings.

Currently Working On...

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In a blockbuster matchup, two hunters collide in a fight to the death.  Boba Fett - the best bounty hunter in the galaxy and chief of the Mandalorian warriors, is challenged for his throne by the Yautja, a Predator of the highest caliber.  Lasers, explosives, and blades of all shapes and sizes come together in this fight.  Both killers will enter the ring to find out who is... the deadliest warrior!

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