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Who will win the first fictional match on Masters of Battle?

19 March 2011

Deadliest Warrior Quickies.

Hey, just felt like trying out my new system with two matches that are very intriguing to me.

  • Roman Legionaries versus Zulu Warriors.
    -This match appeals to me because both warrior-cultures followed the same line of thinking:  highly-mobile, professional killers organized into tight-knit units.  Both of them used efficient weapons, both at distance and in melee, and relied on a massive shield to protect them.  However, they diverged in defenses and the specific types of weapons they used, which is where this match will be interesting.
  • Celtic Warriors versus Iroquois Warriors.
    -This match interests me because the warriors fight very differently, but are very similar culturally.  The Celts were a constantly-bickering population of war-mongers; the Iroquois were a united nation that was the result of a constantly-bickering population of war-mongers.  It'll be great to see how that transitions to their showings in my ratings later on.
So yeah, consider this a teaser for more to come.  This is unrelated to the Redux series, I just want to stretch my creative muscles, so to speak.  Stay tuned!


  1. These look excellent! I was just curious about how to change backgrounds, as i've had difficulty loading new backgrounds( I was thinking about doing a background apprpiate to whatever match I was planning on doing).

    Oh and monoplyman is the name of my old blog account required for my goverment class two years ago....afanofsparta if you are curious

  2. Good to see you here iHonk. You're blogs are what got me hooked on. And yes, I will still be MeibukanMaster. Check my blog out if you can.
